The Importance of Validity and Reliability on Computer Based Assessments
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Published: 20 November 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
As expectations have increased for student around the world, more and more schools are being asked to design new means of assessments based as part of their educator evaluation process. Thus, it is necessary to include technological devices in educational evaluations of students. So, accepting technology in assessment is different with accepting it in learning environment especially in a Mauritian context where the only criterion for going upper level is failing or passing on final exams. With the introduction of tablets in schools, further investigations are needed to ensure the validity and fairness of testing administration mode in comparison with traditional one. These terms, validity and reliability, can be very complex and difficult for many educators to understand.
Keywords: ICT - Information Communication Technology, CAIE - Cambridge Assessment International Education.

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How to Cite
Bhaugeerutty Vinod Sharma. (2019-11-20). "The Importance of Validity and Reliability on Computer Based Assessments." *Volume 2*, 2, 21-24